Sunday, March 1, 2009

Richard Koch

Richard was born 2/6/37 and was killed in Iowa 9/16/64 of a motorcycle accident.

Richard was raised by his aunt Josephine after his mother died when he was just a few months old.

Grandpa Joseph Peter and Richard.

Maureen, Eloi, and Richard

Maureen Koch Rattray

Maureen died of cancer in 1967. Her husband was Richard Rattray. They had the following children:
Murry: died of colon cancer
Denise (Geary) Meyer: Webster City, IA Children: Angie and Mathew

Rita A. Koch Raymond

Rita was born on 6/30/31 and died in 1976 of colon cancer in Farmington, MN. She is buried at Fort Snelling (her husband - Robert Raymond Sr. - was in the service. All her children have blue eyes.

Robert Jr. (Satch): Born 10/10/53 in Tracy, MN. Wife Patty. Lives now in Farmington, MN
Children: Jessie, Corie, Josh
Rebecca: 1955-2004 Died of Cushings Disease and adrenal cancer. Never married.
Randy (div): Daughter Jenny lives in Chippewa Falls, WI
Rory (Judy): Born 1/27/61. Children Travis 4/14/87 and Ashley 8/24/89. Lives in Chippewa Falls, WI
Robin Mikaska (div): Children Chad and Debbie. Lives in Arkansas.
Rodney (Tip): Wife Anne. Lives in Farmington, MN No children
Rena: Not married, lives in Arkansas

Donald Michael Koch

Donald lives in Elk River, MN with his wife Ruth Raymond Koch. They have the following children:
Thomas (Sue): Elk River 3 children, 7 grandchildren
Donald Mark: Died at age 47 of a ruptured colon
Kathryn: Lives with her parents in Elk River
Kevin: Lives in Zimmerman, MN with 10 children
William: Lives in Zimmerman, MN with 1 son
Robert: Lives in Florida with 5 children

Betty Koch

Betty was born in 1928. She never married and now lives in Sioux City, Iowa, where she sold school supplies for over 42 years.

Edward Theodore Koch

Eddie was born 7/6/26 in Ghent, Minnesota, and died of an automobile accident 8/28/73. He married Betty McCabe and they lived the majority of their married life in St. Peter, Minnesota.

Eddie was a pouty child and not well behaved. One cousin remembers visiting when Kate was laying in bed dying, and Eddie was under the table kicking at it and scratching it, being naughty and mischievous. When he was asked to stop, he said, "I can do whatever I want. She can't stop me anyway."

He lived for a short time after his mom died with his uncle John's family on their farm but was an angry, bitter, unhappy child. He later was sent to St. Joseph's Orphanage in St. Paul, MN where he lived about a year, along with his brother Donald. At the age of 14, Mr. Malensky from LeCenter took him from the orphanage to work on his farm. He met his wife Betty there. He later worked at the LeSueur foundry, was a night cartaker at Spoors in St. Peter, and then as a painter with Reichel & Sons. Betty claims he refused to talk about his family and his military service, so she knows very little about either. He was short tempered and rather selfish. Eddie loved to hunt and fish, and did so at every opportunity, while his family sat home with no transportation and were very poor.

Dennis Edward ME: Married first to Judy Nelson, current wife Sharon Winge Lund Koch
Brian (Nicole): Rifle, CO Children: Ricky, Casi, Josh, Sierra
Mark (div): Mankato, MN Children: Miranda and Ali
Tanya Hagen (div): Henderson, MN Children: Katelyn and Alanna
Erik: not married, Kasota, MN
Greg (div): Mankato, MN Children: Marie, Jon, Susie, Laurie
Gary (div): Mankato, MN Sons Hunter and Tanner
Cheryl Jeff) Peters: Homan, Wisconsin Son Travis John.
Danny (div): Mankato, MN Daughter: Lena

Cheryl in picture, Gary, Danny, Dennis, Greg

Dennis's kids
Mark, Tanya, Erik
(Brian missing here)

Eloi Peter Koch

Eloi was born 10/27/24 and died 6/28/54 of a tractor accident. He married Gloria and had the following children:
Stephen (Kathy): 1834 170th Ave, Slayton 56172
Children: Kristen
Stanley: 1642 Thunderbird, Marshall 56258
Allan (Eve Thompson):
Bobby: Died in a motorcycle accident

Allan, Stan, Steve and wives

Grandchildren of Eloi

Family of Joseph Peter and Katherine Dirckx (Kate)

Eloi Peter: 10/27/24 - 6/28/54
Edward Theodore: 7/6/26 - 8/28/73
Betty: 1928
Donald Michael:
Rita: 6/03/31 - 1976
Maureen: Died 1976
Richard: 2/6/37 - 9/16/64

See Joseph Peter Koch under the February blog for more general information on this family. Information on each of these siblings follows under this month of March heading.